Scores and Comments

Sarasota Film Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score448.000
Average Score89.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Hughes William 38 26 18 8 90
Riley Trish 35 25 18 9 87
Scoon Valerie 37 25 20 10 92
Thaler Rob 27 27 18 7 79
Zaldivar Juan Carlos 40 30 20 10 100


Hughes William - Score: 90.000
No Auth signature box.
Riley Trish - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
Scoon Valerie - Score: 92.000
Thaler Rob - Score: 79.000

Synopsis - more program, benefit, impact. Less me.

Applicant is a festival; no race.

Where are your objectives (measurable) for the grant period?

Why so many blurbs? You're nearly non responsive.

"any one of the more than 200 films shown will have at very least one artist, at most hundreds."

Several hundred artists from one film.

Evaluation Plan:

In 2015,Paste Magazine had the following to say, "with a reputation for programming that puts as much stakes in unknown talent as it does high-profile films, Sarasota's is a mixture of both festival favorites and gems that have yet to premiere." SFF's industry reputation allow it to attract top notch independent films and filmmakers. SFF's education program has been recognized and awarded by the National Endowment for The Arts as well as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 

504 last completed in 2012.


Zaldivar Juan Carlos - Score: 100.000
{No comments provided.}