Scores and Comments

South Florida PBS, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score420.000
Average Score84.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Hughes William 39 27 18 9 93
Riley Trish 35 25 17 9 86
Scoon Valerie 38 28 20 10 96
Thaler Rob 32 25 1 10 68
Zaldivar Juan Carlos 30 20 20 7 77


Hughes William - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Riley Trish - Score: 86.000
Nice, unique program. Community screenings are a nice touch! Admirable goals. 
Scoon Valerie - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
Thaler Rob - Score: 68.000

This is a specific project, not GPS. Please read the guidelines:

General Program Support
funding to assist underwriting general programming expenses (not for specific projects) of eligible organizations through a specified period. General program support funds may be used only for those programming expenses itemized on the grant proposal budget form. This type of funding is broad in scope. Panel review is more comprehensive and encompasses evaluation of all activities conducted bythe applicant organization.

Specific Project
a particular project, program, or series within the applicant organization’s total operations.

SFPBS budget: $19.25 million

On the Town: $370k

You requested both $150,000 and $145,442.

I'd like to see revenue specific to this program. If you can carveout expenses then it shouldn't be too difficult.


Zaldivar Juan Carlos - Score: 77.000

This proposal does not make a strong argument that the proposed project, to promote Florida places to Floridians, is the best way to create impact. The application lists the general projected PBS viewership but does not provide enough evidence of the benefit to the community by listing the following.




A positive note on the impact section does note:

"Aside from the broadcast, each episode is accompanied by a free community outreach educational screening event, offering an additional economic impact on local restaurants and attractions."

It is unclear how this community/educational outreach actually works and what the activities will be.