Scores and Comments

Loxahatchee River Historical Society, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score644.000
Average Score92.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Esler Jennifer 32 27 19 8 86
Gelman Elizabeth 40 27 18 10 95
Hughes Michael 36 26 18 9 89
Joseph Samuel 37 27 19 10 93
Norton Heather 40 28 19 9 96
Overton Robert 38 29 19 10 96
Wolfe Bell Erin 36 28 17 8 89


Esler Jennifer - Score: 86.000
Goals and activities support mission, but they are merely described and not identified clearly as activities that achieve the goals. In terms of impact, I was wishing the proposal was organized better. Impressive marketing efforts! The organization is in good financial shape with good evaluation planned for this nonspecific grant request. Had to score lower on accessibility due to review within last five years (and not two years). 
Gelman Elizabeth - Score: 95.000
would like to have heard how you use assessment tools, perhaps an example as well
Hughes Michael - Score: 89.000

Commendable and significant outreach to Mayan and African American communities. Significant attendance.

Joseph Samuel - Score: 93.000

It is important that applicants submit letters of support from their stakeholders, partners, and/or constituents to show outside commitment for their work.

Norton Heather - Score: 96.000
Goals, strategies, and partnerships were clearly delineated and explained. Impacts and Management were also detailed. Evaluation strategies could be bolstered by additional guest studies that are facilitated by staff or volunteers. The only danger with a kiosk or using review platforms such as trip advisor is it is a passive mechanism and typically only provides feedback that is very positive or very negative. Visitor observations, panels, questionaires, etc allow for feedback tailored to improvements and learning outcomes. 1 pt. was deducted from Accessibility due to date of 504 Self Evaluation.
Overton Robert - Score: 96.000
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Wolfe Bell Erin - Score: 89.000
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