Scores and Comments

College of Central Florida Foundation, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score639.000
Average Score91.286

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Esler Jennifer 36 28 19 8 91
Gelman Elizabeth 36 27 18 10 91
Hughes Michael 35 25 15 9 84
Joseph Samuel 38 28 19 9 94
Norton Heather 40 27 18 9 94
Overton Robert 38 28 18 9 93
Wolfe Bell Erin 37 28 19 8 92


Esler Jennifer - Score: 91.000
While goals and objectives are stated,  it is not made clear how the activities will achieve the goals. Perhaps explain reasoning why exhibits and programs were selected to achieve the goals? Solid impact described, as well as marketing efforts. Sound management in terms of finances and evaluation processes. Need to update the 504 evaluation!
Gelman Elizabeth - Score: 91.000
The administrative expenses of your budget so far outweigh programmatic that I urge you to review your classifications with your auditor. 
Hughes Michael - Score: 84.000

The strategic goals outlined were not followed by supplemental information to inform on what actions are taking place. The goals outlined aligned but not exactly correlated.

Joseph Samuel - Score: 94.000

The reviewer needed more information about the listed partnerships.

The reviewer needed more budget details to address some issues in the submitted budget (i.e. large admin expenses as compared to programmatic)

Norton Heather - Score: 94.000

Cleary articulated mission, goals and objectives. Accessibility lost 1 point due to 504 Self Evaluation completed in last 5 years.

Overton Robert - Score: 93.000
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Wolfe Bell Erin - Score: 92.000
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